Monday, July 14, 2008

Zombie Finger Puppet

Zombie finger puppet

I bought this zombie finger puppet at a store called Wacko in LA. Wacko has a little bit of everything, but mostly stuff that you don't really need. Unfortunately for my small apartment this is the type of stuff that I really like. I also really like zombies. There were a few variations of zombie to choose from, but this little guy seemed to have a bit of everything: a hanging eyeball, exposed brains, a missing hand, ample blood splatters and a few intestines hanging out. He is a trooper! The zombie finger puppet doesn't serve a particular purpose, but I do stick him on my thumb or pointer finger occasionally to kill time or entertain myself while waiting for web pages to load...or whatever.


sarah said...

Sweet! I had a little monster finger puppet that I got from a screening of "Sing-a-long Buffy" that I went to last year. But I lost him! Boooooo.

tish said...

i love this new blog Brie!
great photo & colours ::